Lower back tattoos are often a great choice when you need or want to hide your tattoo. If you have a job where tattoos are not permitted you can easily get a lower back tattoo without anyone knowing about it. It is also a great place to have your tattoo if you do not want to see your tattoo every day.
Choose Your Size -
Lower back tattoos are great for women. They look amazing, and you can get practically any design that you want to. You can get something really small, or you can go all out with a design that covers your lower back. Some women will get a design that is small to start off with while others will go for it all with a design that covers their entire lower back area. You choose the size of your design. If you do want to get something small you will have the benefit of being able to return to the tattoo parlor and having more designs added to the original tattoo when you want to.
Sexy Tattoo Location -
Lower back tattoos are probably the most popular place to get a tattoo today, and many women seek them out. Your lower back is a pretty intimate location for your tattoo, and it provides you with a lot of space to express yourself freely. When they are done right they look wonderful. There is also the benefit of just wearing a regular shirt to cover them up when you want to and only showing it off when you want to. This can be just the right location to get your very first tattoo.
Some Popular Lower Back Tattoo Designs -
· Tribal
· Butterfly
· Celtic
· Flower
· Dragon
· V Shaped Designs
With this location of your tattoo you can help to accentuate your figure with certain designs. While you can hide it during work hours you can easily show it off when you aren’t working, while you’re at the club or your favorite bar with small tees that unveil your tattoo and low rise jeans.
How To Find Lower Back Tattoo Designs -
The easiest, most convenient way to find great tattoo designs is online. A good gallery of tattoos is the perfect place to get started on the search for just the right tattoo for you. You can choose one that is already in the gallery and get that done, or you could choose one and make some revisions to it so it is truly yours. You can also just browse the online tattoo design gallery to get an idea for what you want done.